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Virtual Book Club January

Join me for a lovely winter book club featuring Elise Loehnen’s, On Our Best Behavior .

Event Ticket $20

“Why do women equate self-denial with being good?

We congratulate ourselves when we resist the donut in the office breakroom. We celebrate our restraint when we hold back from sending an email in anger. We feel virtuous when we wake up at dawn to get a jump on the day. We put others’ needs ahead of our own and believe this makes us exemplary. In On Our Best Behavior, journalist Elise Loehnen explains that these impulses—often lauded as unselfish, distinctly feminine instincts—are actually ingrained in us by a culture that reaps the benefits, via an extraordinarily effective collection of mores known as the Seven Deadly Sins.”

Read more here

Purchase the book from Amazon here

October 15

Virtual Book Club October

February 25

Virtual Book Club Feb